Dental Implants with Joe Stucky, DDS of Montrose, Colorado

Randy Alvarez, host of The Wellness Hour, interviews Montrose, Colorado dentist Joe Stucky DDS about dental implants.

About Dr. Joe StuckyDr. Stucky grew up in the wheat country of Reno County, Kansas, the second of 4 children, and the son of a farmer/dentist and a homemaker. He graduated from Fairfield High School in 1976.Following a few stints as traveler/wanderer, factory worker, bus driver, window washer, handyman, etc., Dr. Stucky received his nursing degree from Hesston College in 1983. He then moved to Missoula, MT, and worked as an RN, thereby meeting his bride, Tamara, on the night shift at St. Patrick Hospital.In 1987, the newlyweds moved to Lincoln, NE, where Dr. Stucky attended the University Of Nebraska College Of Dentistry, graduating with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 1991. During those years in Lincoln, the couple had the first two of their children, Ian and Erik.Following his graduation, the young family moved to northern Idaho, where Dr. Stucky was a commissioned officer in the United States Public Health Service, serving the Nez Perce Indian community as their tribal dentist. During that time, the family added its final two members, Emily and Eben.In 1995, Dr. Stucky separated from the commissioned corps, and the family moved to Montrose, CO, where he established his current private practice of Joe C. Stucky, DDS (d.b.a. Soft Touch Dental Care). Dr. Stucky enjoys many outdoor activities offered by rural western Colorado, and is an enthusiast for his family, great music and great poetry.  

Contact Dr. Joe Stucky
154 Colorado Ave #201, Montrose, CO 81401
(970) 497-1197
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