The Healing Powers of Bone Broth - Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet

Did you know that all of our cells have a regeneration timeframe and that the regeneration time for the intestinal cells is 21 days?

It's amazing to think that in just 21 days with one of nature's oldest foods, you could literally start the regeneration process of enlivening your digestive system, and as a byproduct, lose unwanted fat (up to 15 lbs), reverse signs of aging, skyrocket your energy, and regain your healthy, shiny hair of years past. Thousands of years ago, Hippocrates stated, “Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food.”He also said, “All disease begins in the gut.”If there is one food the world over that can heal the gut almost singlehandedly while embodying the highest form of medicine, it is bone broth.Bone broth has been used throughout history and has affectionately been referred to as “Jewish penicillin.”Bone broth is still made and ingested today by people around the globe. Healing bone broth is made from organic, raw bones (chicken and chicken feet, beef, or fish) cooked in a crockpot for 24-hours to achieve maximum mineral extraction. This mineral rich liquid is made by simmering pasture-raised bones in purified water with traditional vegetables, as well as herbs and a small amount of raw apple cider vinegar.A Quick Summary of The Benefits of Bone Broth:Promotes Healing – Bone broth has been used successfully in treating gastro-intestinal disorders, including hyperacidity, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and infant diarrhea.Digestive Aid – Aids in the digestibility of grains, beans, legumes, vegetables and meats and is hydrophilic in nature.Macro Minerals – Contains highly absorbable forms of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and sulfur, as well as trace minerals which support the bones, adrenal glands, nervous system, gums, and teeth.Gelatin and Collagen – Rich in both; promoting bone and joint healing in addition to supporting digestion, improving skin elasticity, and the reduction of wrinkles.Fat Burning – Can help reduce inflammation and allow the body to begin burning fat for fuel instead of sugar.Rich in Protein – Adds easily digestible protein to your diet.Contains Amino Acids – Glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and lysine are formed, which is important to detoxification and amino acid production in the body.Joint Support – Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and hyaluronic acid are produced and present for additional muscle and joint support.Immune System Enhancement – Promotes the assimilation of vitamins and minerals and thus supports immunity.Delicious and Nutritious – Use as soup, cooking liquid, sauce, or as a tea.Synergy – Finally, by initially healing the GI tract, bone broth creates an environment in which all of the nutrients being taken in, whether by food or supplementation, can increase their bio-availability to your body.This episode of The Randy & Christa Show is with “Dr. Bone Broth” herself, Dr. Kellyann Petrucci.Kellyann, a New York Times bestselling author with one of the most popular PBS shows around, has a new book out: The Bone Broth Cookbook and it’s awesome.On today's show, she shares her own personal story from sickness to thriving as well as many of her patients' stories whom she’s helped heal their gut, eliminate inflammation, and burn fat. Her delivery is not short on passion!I know you will LOVE this high-energy show and laugh right along with us.Even if you don’t want to hop on the 21-day bandwagon with us to do her new program, 21-Days to a Slimmer Younger You, Dr. Kellyann will leave you with three daily takeaways to start your 2017 health journey off with ease.Enjoy the show.Learn more by visiting  About Dr. Kellyann PetrucciAs a naturopathic physician and weight-loss specialist, Dr. Kellyann has helped thousands of patients achieve spectacular weight loss and more youthful-looking skin through her bone broth diet.Packed with fat-burning nutrients, skin-tightening collagen components, and gut-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, bone broth is the key to looking and feeling younger than every before. In just 21 days, you, too, can unlock these miraculous results with Dr. Kellyann's delicious bone broth recipes and groundbreaking mini-fasting plan.


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