New Treatments for Sleep Apnea with Bay Area Dr. Srujal H. Shah

Randy Alvarez, host of The Wellness Hour, interviews Bay Area Dr. Srujal H. Shah about the latest treatment options for people who snore, have sleep apnea, and who cannot tolerate their CPAP device.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when there’s a blockage of the airway while sleeping. The word ‘apnea’ actually means ‘without breath,’ and considering its name, it’s no surprise that this condition can lead to serious medical conditions that even include death. When we lie down, the tongue can fall back into our throat due to gravity. This along with the relaxation of the soft tissues can block some, and possibly even all, of the oxygen that’s attempting to enter our body. With obstructive sleep apnea, this can occur over hundreds of times a night! Medical Conditions That Are Related to Obstructive Sleep ApneaSome of the medical conditions that can be caused by obstructive sleep apnea include the following:- Stroke- Heart disease- Heart failure- High blood pressure- High cholesterol- Diabetes- Acid reflux disease- DepressionTo make things worse, it’s estimated that about 38,000 deaths are caused each year by sleep apnea. As your San Jose sleep apnea specialist, even if you do happen to have sleep apnea, we can provide treatment options to help with this condition.Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep ApneaSome of the signs that you may have obstructive sleep apnea include:- Snoring- Daytime sleepiness- Exhaustion- Forgetfulness- Lack of concentration- Lack of motivation- Emotional instability- HeadachesTreatment Options For Sleep Apnea & SnoringWith over 40 million Americans suffering from a sleeping disorder such as sleep apnea, the team at Spark Sleep Solutions is committed to providing professional sleep apnea treatments so that you can enjoy the great night's sleep that you’ve needed. Spark Sleep Solutions offers treatments to patients from San Jose, Santa Cruz, Los Gatos, San Ramon and the surrounding areas.When seeking treatment for sleep apnea, you have a number of options available to you, including oral appliances, CPAP and surgery. At Spark Sleep Solutions, they specialize in oral and dental treatment options that are easier to use and can help alleviate your sleeping issues.Difference Between Oral Appliance & CPAPWhich treatment option is best for you depends on your individual needs. The most common choices are either oral appliances or CPAP since they relieve most problems caused by sleep apnea. Surgery is reserved for the more serious cases of sleep apnea in which other treatment options proved be insufficient to provide relief.With both oral appliances and CPAP, while the both work to help you achieve a healthy night of sleep, they are very different in terms of benefits they provide as treatment methods. Watch this interview with Dr. Shah to find out the key differences between these treatment methods.About Dr. Srujal H. Shah, DDS, DABDSMDr. Shah has received the highest achievement as a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine (ABDSM). He has also completed a mini-Residency in Orofacial Pain and TMJ Disorders at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is a San Jose native and earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the prestigious University of Southern California School of Dentistry. He also carries a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from UC San Diego with an emphasis in Signal Processing. Dr. Shah has worked on numerous research projects integrating medicine with engineering.Dr. Shah is one of the few sleep apnea dentists that limits his practice exclusively to the treatment of sleep apnea and snoring. As a successful cosmetic and dental surgeon, Dr. Shah realized the importance of this life-saving treatment when he first treated his own family members, and himself, with oral appliance therapy. His interest was further spurred by his on-going work with neurologists from the Stanford University School of Medicine Sleep Disorders Clinic. With a strong belief that proper care could only be given with absolute dedication to this specialty, Dr. Shah opened Spark Sleep Solutions. He prides himself in the expertise Spark Sleep has been able to provide, specifically in CPAP alternatives and snoring treatments, and their insurance coverage for our patients.Dr. Shah ensures he is at the forefront of research and advancements in the field through Continuing Education training, membership with the AADSM, on-going research, and seminars with medical experts throughout the country. He has been hand selected by Kaiser Permanente and other medical insurances to provide this life-saving treatment to their patients utilizing the MATRx by Zephyr Sleep Technologies.  

Contact Dr. Srujal Shah
175 N. Jackson Ave, Ste. 207, San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 490-0182
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