The Slow Down Diet with Marc David M.A., of Boulder, Colorado

Randy Alvarez and Christa Orecchio interview Nutritional Psychologist Marc David, M.A.about his new book The Slow Down Diet: Your Relationship with Food on The Randy & Christa Show.

According to Marc David, our modern culture revolves around fitting as much as possible into the least amount of time. As a result, most people propel themselves through life at a dizzying pace that is contrary to a healthy lifestyle. We eat fast, on the run, and often under stress, not only removing most of the pleasure we might derive from our food and creating digestive upset, but also wreaking havoc on our metabolism. Many of us come to the end of a day feeling undernourished, uninspired, and overweight.In this interview, Marc David presents a new way to understand our relationship to food, focusing on quality and the possibilities of pleasure in eating to transform and improve metabolism.Citing cutting-edge research on body biochemistry as well as success stories from his own nutritional counseling practice, he shows that we are creatures of body, mind, and spirit and that when we attend to these levels simultaneously we can shed excess pounds, increase energy, and enhance digestion to feel rejuvenated and inspired.Marc presents an eight-week program that allows readers to explore their unique connection to food, assisting them in letting go of their fears, guilt, and old habits so they can learn to treat their bodies in a dignified and caring way. He reveals the shortcomings of all quick-fix digestive aids and fad diets and debunks common nutrition myths, such as "the right way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more."He shows instead how to decrease cortisol and other stress-hormones and boost metabolic power through proper breathing and nutritional strategies that nourish both the body and soul, proving that fully enjoying each meal is the optimal way to a healthy body.Drawing on more than twenty years of experience in nutritional medicine, the psychology of eating, and the science of yoga, Marc David offers readers practical tools that will yield life-transforming, sustainable results.About Marc David, M.A. Marc is the founder and primary teacher of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. He’s a leading visionary, teacher and consultant in Nutritional Psychology, and the author of the classic, groundbreaking and bestselling books Nourishing Wisdom and The Slow Down Diet. For over 3 decades Marc has been an innovator in eating psychology and nutrition.His humorous, engaging, and informative speaking style has made him a popular and well-loved presenter, and his uplifting and inclusive approach appeals to a wide audience of eaters who are looking for fresh, positive, and inspiring messages about food and metabolism.Marc has an extensive background in clinical nutrition, eating psychology, and coaching modalities. He has a long history in product development and marketing in the food and supplement industries, and has held senior consulting positions at Canyon Ranch Resorts, the Johnson & Johnson Corporation, the Disney Company, and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. He also served on the editorial board of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine.Marc’s work has been featured on CNN and NBC, and in publications such as The New York Times, Chicago Times, McCall’s, Glamour, Elle, Yoga Journal, WebMD, and hundreds more. His books have been translated into over 10 languages. Marc has presented at a long list of professional settings, including Harvard University, the Institute for Functional Medicine, and The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine.He’s lectured and presented around the world, and has mentored many of the luminaries in the fields of nutrition and natural medicine. Marc founded the Institute for the Psychology of Eating as a way to channel his passionate mission to create an effective, uplifting, results driven approach to the ever-increasing number of eating challenges and nutrition-linked health concerns that the world is facing. Marc earned his M.A. at Sonoma State University in Psychology and trained at the Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine and SUNY Upstate Medical School.He’s logged thousands of hours of client sessions over the last 30 years in a full range of clinical nutrition challenges, eating disorders, weight concerns, body image struggles, and the most common and compelling food challenges such as overeating, binge eating, emotional eating, endless dieting, weight loss resistance, and much more.The powerful body of work presented at the Institute is the result of a lifetime of Marc’s research, inquiry, and clinical experience that were driven by one compelling question: How can we combine the best of nutritional science and eating psychology to serve people in a profound and truly effective way? To this end, Marc has originated two unique new approaches – Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition.The result of this unique combination of eating psychology and holistic nutrition is a revolutionary and powerful body of work that’s taught at the Institute to both professionals and the public.If you’d like to learn more about Marc’s background and what motivated him personally and professionally to do this work, then please check out the brief video below. In it you’ll hear some of his own journey with food and body, and why the world is ready for an approach that honors all of who we are as eaters – body, mind, heart, science and soul.To learn more, please visit


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