Vitamin D and Depression with Sara Van Anrooy, MD

Randy Alvarez and Christa Orecchio interview Dr. Sara Van Anrooy about vitamin D and depression on The Randy & Christa Show.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient/hormone for optimal brain health. Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin but a prohormone or hormone building block. Vitamins by definition are provided through food and the primary source of Vitamin D is UVB rays from the sun. A small amount is available through food sources. Vitamin D deficiency is an epidemic associated with many health conditions such as depression, insomnia, fatigue, multiple cancers, autism and multiple sclerosis.About Sara Van Anrooy, MDDr. Van Anrooy believes in an integrative approach to healthcare and investing her time in her patients in order to assure they receive the best care possible.She has over 25 years of clinical practice, double board certifications in Integrative Medicine and Psychiatry. She held a community medicine internship followed by residency in General Psychiatry at the University of Colorado. She did a University of Colorado mini-fellowship on Advances in Bipolar Disorder. She also completed a Dartmouth College Externship in Sleep Medicine with Dr. Peter Hauri, co-directed the Laureate Hospital and Clinic's Eating Disorder program, was the Assistant Medical Director at Colorado Health Networks, and acted as the Clinical Director at Columbine Hospital.Dr. Van Anrooy has extensive training and experience in eating disorders, PTSD, mood disorders, sleep medicine, and integrative medical models.  

Contact Dr. Sara Van Anrooy
1189 S. Perry St., Suite 100, Castle Rock, CO 80104
(303) 663-0360
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