Practical Paleo with Diane Sanfilippo

Randy Alvarez and Christa Orecchio talk to Diane Sanfilippo about "Practical Paleo" on The Randy & Christa Show.

Learn why avoiding both processed foods and foods marketed as “healthy,” like grains, legumes, and pasteurized dairy will improve how you look and feel, lead to lasting weight loss, and reduce or completely eliminate symptoms associated with common health disorders! In this interview, Diane talks about the whys and hows of eating paleo, as well as her meal plans for everything from fat loss and athletic performance to adrenal health, digestive health, thyroid health, and more.About Diane Sanfillipo Diane is the owner and founder of Balanced Bites. She is a Certified Nutrition Consultant; New York Times bestselling author of Practical Paleo and The 21-Day Sugar Detox; co-author of Mediterranean Paleo Cooking; serial entrepreneur; business and marketing guru. She specializes in Paleo nutrition, blood sugar regulation, food allergies and intolerances and digestive health.Diane holds a bachelor’s degree from Syracuse University, a Holistic Nutrition Consultant Certification from Bauman College in Berkeley, California, a CHEK Institute Holistic Lifestyle Coach Certification, and a Poliquin BioSignature Modulation Certification.Through the Balanced Bites Podcast, workshops and 1:1 consultations, Diane specializes in helping clients resolve concerns around the following issues:- Regulating blood sugar levels related to hypoglycemia and Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes- Digestive distress, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, bloating and gas- Concerns about high or low cholesterol and high triglycerides- Increasing and stabilizing energy levels throughout the day- Food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances (including but not limited to gluten, dairy, soy & nuts)- Therapeutic nutrition coaching for autoimmune conditions including but not limited to Celiac Disease, thyroid conditions, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s DiseaseDiane has also worked with clients who need additional assistance with making the switch to a Paleo, Primal or Ancestral/Weston A. Price-style diet; as well as those who have already made this change but are struggling to make progress with weight loss, digestive distress, low energy, autoimmunity or other health-related conditions.She is also a Poliquin Biosignature Modulation Practitioner qualified to assess the hormonal regulation of body fat to further optimize client health.To learn more, please visit


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